It is all about improving the quality of your life. It is about maximizing our health so you can enjoy life even more and enjoy being with friends and families for many years. Even when we are thin it does not mean our bodies are healthy. If you are not happy with your weight, a “real food” approach to nutrition will naturally normalize your weight.
Dr. Jette Hogenmiller, a nutrition therapy practitioner will be your host for this experience. Other invited guests or support persons may be present to enhance your experience.
Adults, 18 or 19 years of age (depends on the state) or older, as the younger one learns good health habits the better! Individuals must be able to read and speak English as instruction will be in English and include some handouts, and have the ability to climb one flight of stairs.
Each weekend can hold 2-6 people depending on the location chosen.
CO – Three couples (6) or three individuals maximum.
NE – Two couples (4) or two individuals maximum.
Noon Check-in, Cooking class on anti-inflammatory foods; enjoy lunch & conversation, review what brain changes occur with dementia. Review what is believed to be the source of these changes. Introduction to anti-inflammatory nutrition. Free time for hike, read a book or other self-directed activity. Dinner with cooking class.
Breakfast cooking class, Review Environmental Exposures to Avoid, Approaches to Sleep, Targeted Exercise, & Anti-inflammatory Nutrition. Review laboratory tests to consider having done to identify personal insight into own inflammation.