
Basic Starter!

Three Sections with books and website links within each section

Brain Health
Functional Medicine
Nutrition – General

In progress -> Look for a future excel spreadsheet with an extensive list of resources. The below list is to “get you going” on your journey to improved brain and general health… You are in the drivers seat…waiting for someone else to lead you the “water” could leave you waiting a long time!

Brain Health


Perlmutter, Davidall of his books are excellent and worth a read. He is a physician, neurologist. His own father had Alzheimer’s and this may have been a driving passion for his quest to impact dementia. He provides very concrete information on testing for inflammation and recommended supplements.

Dr. Hogenmiller can order these tests for you to provide insight into your level of inflammation.  These tests would generally be covered by health insurance minus deductibles and co-pays. While the laboratory tests are quite extensive it allows for knowledge of what support you need. Many people are low in Vitamin D and iodine and do not realize it. By obtaining a baseline we can tailor supplements and determine which laboratory tests need to be conducted in the future to monitor improvements in vitamins and minerals.

Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers Hardcover – September 17, 2013
by David Perlmutter (Author), Kristin Loberg (Contributor)

Web-links This website, by Dr. Perlmutter, has tons of resources and research article links that support NO GRAINS (wheat, barley, rye, etc.) is best for our long-term health. Find a date to watch his PBS presentations, a must to learn about how to maximize your brain health.


Functional Medicine

This approach to healthcare seeks to find out what is the source/cause of a symptom. Rather than just giving a prescription to treat a symptom, functional medicine seeks to know you and to identify what may have triggers the onset of the symptom so the source of the symptom can be addressed. This of course is a much more holistic approach to healthcare and offers a much better quality of life for you.

Functional Forum This website is focused on empowering healthcare practitioner to change their clinical practice  – evolution of medicine.  They provide engaging monthly webinars and onsite if you live near Manhattan, NY. The information can be extremely helpful for individuals who seek current information on different topics by healthcare professionals. See their website for previous broadcasts.

“The Functional Forum is a monthly education and networking event for health professionals who are passionate about the evolution of medicine. Set in the fabulous Helen Mills theater in the heart of Manhattan, this new concept in practitioner education brings together the latest health news, functional medicine research, practice development and health technology in an upbeat, entertaining way.” (functional forum home page)


Institute of Functional Medicine

See the below link to learn more and find a functional medicine practitioner near you.

Nutrition General


Davis, William – he has a number of books to include cookbooks. He is a physician, cardiologist.  His newest book Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan, Sep 16, 2014, can be purchased in a CD format.  I have listened to this book one time (~15 hrs.) while driving to work and am going to listen to it again, because it is so rich in great information. He has been a guest on the Dr. Oz show.

This website is information from a family physician who has written many health condition books (arthritis, thyroid & others). I have read many of them and they are excellent and a good value for their low cost.
Chris Kessler is a prolific writer about Paleo based nutrition. Check his website out for great information. You can also subscribe to his email newsletter. There are number of free materials that you can obtain on this website.
“The food you eat is making you sick and the agencies that are providing you with guidelines on what to eat are giving dangerous advice with devastating health consequences. You can change that today.” This Dr. William Davis, Cardiologist’s website – a must check out!


Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health
Paperback – June 3, 2014

by William Davis (Author)